Therapeutic Family Care

Welcome to Oak Hill's Therapeutic Family Care Program (TFC)

Our Purpose

At Oak Hill’s Therapeutic Family Care(TFC) program, we’re all about providing a compassionate and supportive environment where children, youth, and families in Alberta can find healing and growth. We embrace a family-based, culturally responsive model to help those impacted by trauma feel empowered. Our purpose is to create a safe and secure space where families and communities can come together for positive development.

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Felise's Testimonial

“The onboarding process was long, but the team guided me and provided the tools and training to offer quality care.”

TFC Philosophy  

At Oak Hill, we’re deeply committed to promoting a framework that facilitates and creates positive change in the lives of the children, youth and families we support. We understand the profound importance of healthy developmental relationships, maintaining strong connections to formal and informal support networks, exploring a safe environment and practicing a culturally responsive approach. By actively listening and learning about each child’s unique journey, we aim to create an environment where they feel seen, understood, and valued. This deep understanding helps us offer care that not only respects their traditions and connections but promotes healthy new experiences. We believe that by celebrating and nurturing each child’s cultural identity, we can be change agents to support a sense of belonging and purpose that fosters confidence and improved self-worth.

Caregiver Support and Effectiveness

Susie and Bart

“Being a part of the TFC team has been so rewarding! The team helped us achieve our family dream.”


Emmanuel and Annonciata

“Despite the challenges, seeing progress and growth in the child has been incredibly rewarding.”

“The Oak Hill TFC team has been incredibly supportive. My journey with Oak Hill TFC has been one of personal and professional growth.”


“My experience with Oak Hill has been excellent. I face obstacles, but I always find ways to keep children safe and healthy in my home.”

“When I started the onboarding experience, I was excited to learn about Oak Hill Foundation and Oak Hill TFC.”

“As a caregiver, you should be ready to collaborate with everyone involved in the child's well-being, from social workers and doctors to teachers and fellow caregivers.”


“The Oak Hill TFC team has helped me become a better caregiver. They respect me as an equal, value my input, and are good people who genuinely care.”

“If you’re ready to make a positive impact on a child’s life, I highly recommend you join this amazing team.”


“Since joining the Oak Hill TFC team, I’ve grown as a person and feel supported through every step.”

Jackie and Victor

“Oak Hill explained what to expect once onboarding was completed.”

Individualized Support


“I encourage caregivers to reach out for support or with questions and to always refer to the program training for strategies.”

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Join Us

Oak Hill TFC is committed to providing quality family-based care supported by evidence-based research. By nurturing a community-centric approach focused on collaboration between families, caregivers, and support networks,  we can create a brighter future for children and youth.

If you are interested in learning more about TFC, please connect with Amber Mansell, Recruitment and Training Coordinator.

Email us Today