
Aboriginal Programming
Our Indigenous Programming has been designed and is facilitated by a First Nations Elder and an Indigenous Resource Person. The program is broken down into two main sections, History and Identity and Cultural Activities.
History & Identity
This first component of the program addresses the biases and prejudices that contribute to the internalized racism that many First Nations and MĂ©tis young people experience. This component helps our young people understand their cultural history and will enhance the formation of their identity.
Cultural ActivitiesÂ
Young people learn and participate in traditional practices such as:
- Weekly Sweat and Pipe Ceremonies and Teachings of the Circle
- Medicines (sweet grass, sage and cedar)
- Building and Utilizing Tee Pees
- Language
- Crafts (beadwork and dream catchers)
- Fishing
- Dressing Hides (crafts and clothing)
- Round Dances and Pow-Wows